Saturday, September 15, 2007

Hello Family and Friends:

This is my first attempt at blogging, thanks to my friend Melissa Cobas, who is such a believer that she almost created a blog for me in my absence!

So about the Garcia Family these days:

We are happy and doing well! Dafne is a little over 3 months old. She is already learning to use her hands to hold and suck on little toys. She is such a sweetie, quite a mild-mannered little baby-and when she cries, she makes you want to cry with her!

Ana will be 2 years old in November. A lot of the entertainment in the Garcia home is provided by this little one. Her fun personality makes us laugh. She is her own little person, playing, talking on her “cell phone”, which could be a toy or a calculator.

Some of Ana's favorite first words:
Papa, who she also calls “Mi-Amorrr!” (since she has heard me call her Daddy that way)
Mommy or Mama
“bie bah”-- which means, “be right back” and she says this while holding up a finger to show us that it will just be one moment!

Oscar is in his last year in school for his Bachelor's degree in accounting at UVSC. Yea! He also is playing soccer on the school's team and doing well. In fact, we are in San Diego right now for a tournament (and for some fun). We have played at the beach, seen some of the beautiful area, and have had good times with my dear friend Melissa, who is hosting us in her home.

I (Erica) am not working as much these days. After Dafne was born, I went from my full-time job of nearly 4 years at the Deseret Industries, to a part-time job working out of my home as an office assistant. I enjoy the greater amount of time with my beautiful family and in the home. This is a happy change for us.

Hola familia y amigos!
Es la primera vez que hago un blog, gracias a mi amiga, Melissa, que me esta ensenando.
Sobre la familia Garcia estos dias
Estamos bien y contentos. Dafne tiene 3 meses y ya esta aprendiendo a a utilizar las manos y chupar los juguetes. Ella es una bebe tan dulce y mansa, y cuando llora, casi te hace llorar con ella.
Ana cumple los 2 anos en Noviembre. Tiene mucha personalidad y nos hace reir y divertirnos. Es su propia persona, jugando, y hablando por su “celular”, lo que puede ser un juguete o un calculador.

Unas de sus primeras palabras:
Papa o “mi amor”, lo que me ha escuchado decirle a su papa.
Mama or mami.
Oscar esta en su ultima ano de sus estudios para recibir el bachilerato en acountabilidad. Yea! Tambien esta jugando futbol por el equipo de la Universidad y llevan 4 ganados y un perdido hasta ahora.. De hecho, estamos en San Diego este fin de semana para un torneo (y unas pequenas vacaciones). Fuimos a la playa, a ver algo de la ciudad, y hemos pasado tiempo con mi buena amiga Melisa.
Yo (Erica) no estoy trabajando tiempo completo en estos dias. Deje mi trabajo de 4 anos para trabajar menos hora en casa en otro trabajo y para tener mas tiempo con mi hermosa familia. Es un buen cambio para nosotros.

1 comment:

VoNique said...

Hi Erica! Sounds like you had fun on your trip! I need to visit Melissa sometime.